The RECOVERY (Randomized Evaluation of COVid-19 thERapY) trial was established as a randomized clinical trial to test several potential treatments for COVID-19, including low-dose dexamethasone (a a cheap and widely available steroid treatment). The study enrolled 2,100 participants who received dexamethasone at a low or moderate dose compared to compared how they fared against about […]
Day: June 16, 2020
Why It is Dangerous to Exercise with Face Masks
Daniel Carpio/Shutterstock Lindsay Bottoms, University of Hertfordshire The coronavirus began to affect sporting events as early as January 30, when the Chinese Football Association announced it was delaying the start of the football season. Two months later it was revealed that the Tokyo Olympic Games would be postponed until the summer of 2021 – the […]
Self-Driving Cars That Recognize Free Space Can Better Detect Traffic
It’s important that self-driving cars quickly detect other cars or pedestrians sharing the road. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have shown that they can significantly improve detection accuracy by helping the vehicle also recognize what it doesn’t see that is the empty space. Peiyun Hu, a Ph.D. student’s work enables a self-driving car’s perception systems […]