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Author: Digonto Chatterjee
Racial Equity in Cancer Drug Development Petition
We have officially started a petition to advocate for racial equity in cancer drug development. Please follow this to read our petition and sign here.
An Insider Look at Apple’s M1 Chip-Compare to Current Intel and AMD Chips
Marcia Wendorf writes that early adopters of M1 devices might have to suffer for a bit of time before developers catch up. M1 will need some time to catch up with gaming. Hopefully that will change as developers migrate their apps to the Arm architecture. Apple is well known for optimizing its software and hardware […]
Medicinal Video Game
Video games are now being approved for treatment of ADHD. The game can be legally marketed and sold as a medicine in the United States. The game developed by Akili Interactive and called EndeavorRx, can be played on iPads or iPhones. It’s meant to be used for kids between eight and twelve years old with […]
Digitize your Dog into Movies and Computer Games
Motion capture is the process of recording the movement of objects or people. It records actions of human actors, and uses that information to animate digital character models in 2D or 3D computer animation capture technology. It is widely used in the films or computer games. However, these technologies require expensive equipment and dozens of markers to be attached. Computer scientists from CAMERA the […]
New Parking App to Reduce Global Warming
Global Warming is a massive problem that many are working to solve around the world. Now scientists have found a way to help, by parking smarter. A new app that helps reduce congestion by helping drivers find the optimal route to their destination and connecting them to garages. Reducing congestion has been seen to reduce […]
Taking Graphing Calculators to the Next Level
With less chalkboards and more online instruction, making visual representations of mathematics is becoming more difficult. Thankfully, researchers at Carnegie Mellon have created the perfect solution. Using the tool titled Penrose, anyone can now translate the abstractions of mathematics into beautiful and instructive illustrations. Unlike a graphing calculator, these expressions aren’t limited to basic functions, […]
Breakthrough Treatment for Coronavirus: Dexamethasone shown to save lives
The RECOVERY (Randomized Evaluation of COVid-19 thERapY) trial was established as a randomized clinical trial to test several potential treatments for COVID-19, including low-dose dexamethasone (a a cheap and widely available steroid treatment). The study enrolled 2,100 participants who received dexamethasone at a low or moderate dose compared to compared how they fared against about […]